Bari Cremona Lecce Palermo Ragusa Roma Taranto Trapani Viterbo
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    Assassin's Creed - MEDUSA

    Welcome to the Animus.

    February 1928.
    An expedition led by Sir Beldon Frye disappears somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula. A team of four and a dozen local porters were looking for the Lost Pyramid of Nebka… Or more precisely, “something” that should have been there. They were never seen again. Using the simulation reconstructed from their DNA memory, your team will put themselves in the shoes of the explorers. Find out what happened to the expedition. And more importantly, locate what they were looking for.

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    Assassin's Creed - PYRAMID

    Welcome to the Animus.

    February 1928.
    An expedition led by Sir Beldon Frye disappears somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula. A team of four and a dozen local porters were looking for the Lost Pyramid of Nebka… Or more precisely, “something” that should have been there. They were never seen again. Using the simulation reconstructed from their DNA memory, your team will put themselves in the shoes of the explorers. Find out what happened to the expedition. And more importantly, locate what they were looking for.

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    Dr. Scrigner
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    Dr. Victor Frankenstein

    Il dottor Victor è il prototipo dello scienziato pazzo e sembra che stia lavorando ad un progetto iniziato nel 1800 da un suo famoso antenato.
    Sarete in grado di scoprire il segreto che la sua famiglia custodisce da circa 200 anni e scappare dalla stanza prima di essere scoperti?
    Se non ci riuscirete, potreste essere utilizzati come cavie per i suoi esperimenti...

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    Emily - R18

    Riverside, Wyoming. October 1963. The daughter of 2 poor peasants has not been herself for some time. She always draws dead people and animals, which turn out to be only the ones she kills. A famous medium, Lorraine, looked into her case and asked for the help of Father Marcus, an elderly exorcist priest who is nearing retirement. But Father Marcus has never fought such a powerful enemy until now ... he will need your help to perform his last exorcism!

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    Fresh out of the academy, you are dealing with your first case... a hot case!

    The whole city is in your hands, you only have 60 minutes to avert the danger and become heroes!

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    Fuga dal museo

    Italy is a wonderful country. Rich in churches, monuments and frescoes, it is defined by all as "the cradle of art".

    In our city there is a museum with a renowned art gallery, a destination for many tourists.

    Something strange is about to happen... are you curious to visit the art gallery of our museum?

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    Chicago, 1920s. Your life is in the hands of a ruthless boss, but some old knowledge will come in handy... will you be able to regain your freedom?

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    1994. Entrate in uno squallido ostello, sperduto nelle campagne del Midwest. Siete stanchi e vorreste solo riposare, ma nessuno vi accoglie.
    Tutto è così strano, niente sembra avere senso. state per andar via ma...la porta d'uscita è bloccata! Tocca a voi scoprire cosa realmente succede in questo ostello...

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    La Terra non esiste più nell'anno 3007. Le persone sono state sostituite da macchine, ciò che era verde è stato distrutto.
    Siete gli ultimi sopravvissuti in una stazione spaziale e avete una missione: aiutare HUXLEY. 
    Avete 60 minuti per annullare l'Apocalisse!

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    Huxley II

    Una vecchia leggenda narra di Huxley, una fonte di energia infinita nascosta in un luogo segreto. Il nostro amato padre ha dedicato tutta la sua vita a trovarlo, ma purtroppo è misteriosamente scomparso. Ora tocca al vostro team seguire la leggenda e completare il lavoro della sua vita. Scopri il mondo steampunk del 19 ° secolo alla ricerca della massima energia. Le ingegnose invenzioni del professore vi aiuteranno...Immergiti nell'avventura della tua vita e vivi la storia di HUXLEY.

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    Il burattinaio

    “Anch’io, come voi, sono intrappolato in un sogno…il mio babbo è scomparso ed ora devo affrontare le mie paure.
    Accompagnatemi in questo viaggio fatto di vizi, tentazioni e colpi di scena.
    Solo collaborando riusciremo a svegliarci e tornare alla realtà…”

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    The dark night

    Gotham is in danger, and the Batcave has fallen into the hands of Batman's most fearsome enemies. The Joker, the Riddler, and other criminals have set traps and riddles. You have only 60 minutes to help Batman reclaim his base and save the city!

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    The dark night

    Gotham is in danger, and the Batcave has fallen into the hands of Batman's most fearsome enemies. The Joker, the Riddler, and other criminals have set traps and riddles. You have only 70 minutes to help Batman reclaim his base and save the city!

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    In galera!
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    Saw legacy

    Some time has passed since Jigsaw was stopped and stopped sowing terror with his cruel and objectionable justice. But now he's back, more sadistic than ever. He will test you with new puzzles, in which you will have to choose whether to live or die!

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    Trono di spade

    You are the last survivors of the houses that have long contested the Iron Throne. Much blood has been shed, hundreds of corpses have filled rivers and swamps... but now a much more serious threat looms over Westeros. An army of undead led by the Night King is at the gates of the city! It will be up to you to choose who will rule over the 7 kingdoms and save the Western world from the terrible threat coming from beyond the Wall...

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    La grande rapina

    The heist of the century is your next objective. The Professor, the brains of the operation, will guide you through the various phases of his ingenious plan. Follow his instructions and you will never have to work again for the rest of your life!

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    Magic portal
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    Nella mente dell'assassino

    Vi osservo, vi conosco, non mi sfugge nulla delle vostre vite. Siete sicuri di riuscire a prendermi, ma sarò io a prendere voi”.
    Un ufficio abbandonato, un detective scomparso…ed un assassino da inchiodare.
    Riuscirete in 60 minuti a pensare come lui ed anticipare le sue mosse?

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    Operation Mindfall

    La SpiderTech, un'organizzazione non governativa operante a livello mondiale, sta per mettere in atto una pericolosa minaccia!
    Soltanto degli agenti esperti potranno fermarli...voi! Preparatevi ad affrontare una missione in giro per la città ma...attenzione, il tempo stringe!

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    An orphanage immersed in the forest, on the edge of a small country town. In the silence of the night, cries and moans could be heard. Suddenly, it all ended…but the locals continue to stay away from this mysterious place.

    “Nonsense” – you thought…and went in search of this macabre building.

    Once inside, however, a dark force won't let you leave so easily...

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    Manca poco alla condanna definitiva: riuscirete in 60 minuti ad evadere dalla scomoda cella di un carcere clandestino?
    Solo con intuito, lucidità ed intelligenza troverete la strada che vi porterà alla fuga.

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    Prince of Persia

    You were summoned to the Fortress of Time by Kaileena to stop an evil Magi. She will give you the Dagger of Time, so you can reach the Hourglass Chamber and use it to stop the Magi.

    Slow, stop or even rewind time to reach the goal!

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    Prison Break

    You open your eyes and find yourself in a battered cell. In front of you, a guard with an impenetrable gaze.
    After a few minutes, you hear a ticking on the wall ... and a distant voice.
    Maybe an inmate who can help you? Or will he try to rip you off?

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    QUIZY 🔺🟣🟨 The new frontier of entertainment!
    The first quiz Escape Room in Italy: experience a TV show atmosphere!
    60 minutes full of questions, music, memes and player interactions

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    Vi trovate in un ambiente buio e sconosciuto, alle prese con indizi e prove nascoste.
    Attenti, questa stanza nasconde terribili segreti!
    Non abbiate paura, avete solo 60 minuti per liberarvi da uno psicopatico aguzzino..

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    Tales of Magic

    Dear comrades, once again fate has turned us against the Dark Lord. Yes, he's back… even stronger, even more powerful.
    This time he managed to imprison me, Principal Dumbledore and all the professors loyal to him.
    We only have an hour before Voldemort can take over Hogwarts!

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    The cube

    Siete stati catapultati nel futuro con l’obiettivo di restituire agli umani il pianeta Terra, ormai dominato dai computer. 
    Intrappolati in un candido ma pericoloso cubo, avrete solo 60 minuti per compiere la vostra missione!

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    Perduti tra i segreti nascosti in questa stanza old english, vivrete un viaggio nel passato, immersi in un'altra epoca. 
    Riuscirete in 60 minuti a svelare i misteri che la stanza cela? Solo delle raffinate deduzioni vi permetteranno di fuggire indenni…

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